Manager Message: Celebrating our lineworkers

Manager Message: Celebrating our lineworkers

When picturing our electric cooperative, the image of a dedicated lineworker typically springs to mind. These individuals embody our commitment to serving our members, working tirelessly day and night to ensure our community receives uninterrupted power. However, their role goes beyond maintenance; they are the unsung heroes who exemplify dedication, bravery and a profound sense of service.

On April 18 let's take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to our lineworkers for their exceptional service as we celebrate National Lineworker Appreication Day. When you see a lineworker in action, I encourage you to join me in thanking them for their dedication and bravery.

A lineworker's job: Ranked among the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S., the responsibilities of a lineworker are far from easy. Working in close proximity to high-voltage power lines, they must perform intricate tasks in all weather conditions, often scaling heights of 40 feet while carrying heavy equipment. Despite the inherent risks and discomfort, they stay unwavering in their commitment to their duty and the members.

It is important to recognize that behind every dedicated lineworker is a supportive family who plays an integral role in enabling their loved ones to serve the community. While lineworkers are out on the field, sometimes working all night to restore power, their families take care of the home front, providing support and understanding during challenging times.

The heart of service and dedication: Becoming a lineworker is not merely a profession; it's a calling that requires years of specialized training, ongoing education and a deep sense of service. It's about leaving the comfort of home to tackle challenging tasks when most are sheltering indoors. This dedication and sense of service to the community define the essence of our lineworkers and their indispensable role in our cooperative.

Recognizing the team behind the scenes: While lineworkers are the most visible faces of our cooperative, it's essential to acknowledge the team of highly skilled professionals working tirelessly behind the scenes. From engineers providing invaluable expertise, to member service representatives fielding inquiries and IT experts safeguarding sensitive data, each member of our cooperative family plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability of our services.

Expressing gratitude: To our lineworkers and the entire cooperative family, we extend our deepest appreciation for your tireless dedication and invaluable contributions. Your unwavering commitment to keeping our local service area powered and your willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty do not go unnoticed. We are grateful for your service and sacrifice.

As we celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day, let's honor our lineworkers for their unwavering commitment to service and sacrifice. Let's express our gratitude not only to them but also to the entire cooperative family for their efforts in ensuring service reliability.